Hi, I'm Joe

a certified full stack web developer on a mission to bring your digital dreams to life. I specialize in crafting seamless and dynamic online experiences.
Beyond the lines of code, you'll find a passionate individual who takes pride in delivering not just functional websites, but captivating online experiences. My journey in the world of web development is marked by a dedication to continuous learning, ensuring that I am always equipped with the latest tools and technologies to elevate your digital presence.
Beyond web development, my interests span music production, cooking, fragrance crafting, gaming, and exploring coding resources such as CodePen and other platforms on YouTube.

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  • HTML 5
  • CSS3
  • Javascript
  • Bootstrap
  • jQuery
  • API's
  • Node.js
  • Node Package Manager
  • Express.js
  • Express-Handlebars.js
  • Pug
  • JSON

  • GraphQL
  • MySQL
  • Sequelize
  • MongoDB
  • Apollo GraphQL

  • Jest

  • VSCode
  • Powershell
  • Git
  • Git Bash
  • GitHub
  • Heroku
  • Vite
  • Chrome Dev Tools
  • Lighthouse


Painting Business Site

A modern painting business website in progress for Derisi Painting LLC.

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Italian Ice Food Truck

An Italian ice food truck website built for a client. Features AI generated art. I was learning how to do parallax scrolling.

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Master College Essay

A college essay admissions consulting site built for a client. I was learning how to use Intersection Observer at this time.

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Wordle Clone

A recreation of the popular NY Times game 'Wordle'. Players have six chances to guess a five letter word that resets upon victory or defeat. Naturally, you get infinite chances in this version.

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Dinner and a Movie

An API driven web application that generates movie and cuisine idea combinations based on user preference. This was a team project built by myself and my collegues from the UCONN Full Stack Web Development Boot Camp: Jakub Cichon, Ana Fede, and Nate Hanisch.

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