Dinner and a Movie


This webpage was created to help users decide what to eat and what to watch! It takes the difficult task of deciding/agreeing on food and film to a randomizer that does all the work. Spend more time enjoying and less time stressing!


Here’s the link to the site on github-pages
When the user inputs their movie genre selection and cuisine type from the drop-downs, they then will Roll the Dice! and get their randomized food and film selection with a brief description of both. There is also checkboxes for allergies or dietary restrictions that can be selected as well.


A pop-up will display showing the random picks. Users then have the option to “read more” which will direct them to each picks respective websites, while also being able to try again or save their results to a favorites page for later use.

favorites page

Technologies Used

Bootstrap 5.2.2
The Movie Database API
Spoonacular API


Ana Fede, Jakub Cichon, Joseph Labadia & Nathan Hanisch